速報APP / 遊戲 / Building ideas - castle maps

Building ideas - castle maps





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Building ideas - castle maps(圖1)-速報App

Each player has his own shelter building features: some choose four walls with a roof, while others enjoy the process of creating their own house using build ideas. If you are looking for amazing building ideas, you should explore castles maps.

Castle ideas is a really beautiful map where you can simply immerse yourself in the excellent game atmosphere. Map includes a big castle and a city build craft. The castle is beautiful, super spacious and stylish. The map contains 2 markets, entrance bridge, house build ideas, barracks, armory, stables, sculptures and fountains, watch towers, prison, farms, church and many other different things! This castle is something completely out of the box and house design ideas are worth giving a try. The map will be very useful for players, who are looking for modern house building craft or just inspiration for their future buildings.

Building ideas - castle maps(圖2)-速報App

Building modern city or something as winding as a castle will improve your crafting skills due to the necessity of building stairs alongside square and flat blocks, but it will also improve you general digging skills.

Our house building ideas will make the game more exciting! You are free to use house ideas guide and build any castle that you wish.

Building ideas - castle maps(圖3)-速報App

Building ideas - castle maps(圖4)-速報App

Building ideas - castle maps(圖5)-速報App

Building ideas - castle maps(圖6)-速報App

Building ideas - castle maps(圖7)-速報App

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Building ideas - castle maps(圖9)-速報App